Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I think by now everyone knows I may have ghosts right? Well, I know strange stuff happens at my house = i guess it could be in my head or my imagination but i convinced my self the last strange thing that happened was the raccoons. That's what the electric company told me so who am I to argue right? I had my grandson Sunday we played for hours and cooked out and had a blast! Then as i was driving him back to his dads he says OUT OF the BLUE - there's ghost a meemaws house.... I said REALLY? he said yeah it was in the bathroom cleanin LOLOL then it went into the kitchen cleanin and now it's upstairs. OMG! I said because i ask a million question anyone that knows me knows I have to know details everything - i said Wow that's the best kind of ghost to have - one that cleans- lOL i said was it a boy or girl ghost? my grandson which says NO like you are really stupid for even asking that question said NO! it's a Ghost! i said well did it talk? what's it's name and he said GHOST! He said but it is Pink. LOLOLOL i said wow does it cook too? he said yeah it will cook it's a nice ghost - Cool!!! So apparently i have a Pink ghost that thinks my house is filthy - LOL - i came back that day and NOTHING was cleaned so it's not good at it! Funny huh?! i love that kid!

Monday, March 8, 2010


It has been sometime since I've blogged-not that my life has been boring but just haven't had time. I would like to tell you about my first 911 experience i had the other night. Anyone that knows me and knows me well knows I'm a big chicken - not of ghosts really but of Killers- yes killers - i live in the country with acres and acres around me and i love it( except at night) - my husband works nights and I'm alone - of course I'm constantly imagining killers everywhere trying to get me. Not really paranoid but heck look at reality -it happens all the time everywhere - so I'm a big chicken!!! Yes I'll admit it! That's one reason I've resisted buying a real gun all these years because i would kill someone -i know it! Some strange things have been happening around my house the past couple of weeks , well stranger than usual - my fridge has made this knocking noise randomly out of the blue- the noise is actually coming from behind the fridge and the cabinets located above the fridge were open one morning and we do not use those cabinets so i thought that was freaky -i brushed it off as the old house settling or should i say trying to fall in. It was built in about 1825 and is in pretty bad shape structurally -can't wait to build a new one but for now it serves it's purpose. So that happened about 3 times then a couple of nights ago my poor hound had a seizure at 130 in the morning it was horrible he is 4 and has never done that before so that was scary very scary. So I've been pretty Leary lately of strange stuff happening but nothing could ever prepare me for the horror movie i lived Friday night. I got home at 10 p.m. let my basset out to go potty and fell asleep on the couch watching TV. I woke up at 1:00-1:30 in the morning with the 2 big outside dogs barking their heads off and running up to the porch and going crazy. I went to look out my dining room door and Pitch Black! my pole light was out-go out in the middle of the woods without a flashlight at night and that's how it is out there without a pole lite VERY DARK. So i thought OK my light went out- that happens -maybe the dogs were just scared. So i just set down on the couch then i noticed my TV wasn't working. I tried to turn it on and it wouldn't come on it just made a crackling sound it wouldn't come on -everything else plugged in to that outlet worked fine just not the TV- i turned everything on and off and just the TV wouldn't work. So i thought OK my pole light is out and my damn TV blew up crap. So i sat back down and then saw a flash of light reflect in the dining room window i thought oh the pole light came back on but then noticed it didn't so i got up and went into the dining room and looked in the kitchen- OMG! the back porch light was out too. Ok this is a scary coincidence! Now both sides of my house are pitch black!! Weird huh? by this time it was getting scary and i just knew Killers were out there shutting off everything one by one! Of course they were! They finally found Me!!! OMG! Shit! I proceeded to load my Pellet rifle and say very loudly i have a gun! I sat back down on the couch and was very hyper alert! I thought OK Steve will be home in about an hour and a half and i surely can wait it out. My outside dogs were still going crazy -no TV no back porch light or pole light. I then heard a noise coming from my back porch that sounded like someone coming in. My inside dogs the pug and basset heard it too and jumped up and faced the back door! I knew at this time the killers were coming in so i said IF YOU ARE COMING IN THAT DOOR I"M GOING OUT THE FRONT!! and proceeded to grab my pellet rifle and run to the front porch it was then i called 911! 911 what's your emergency? Well, first my pole light went out then my TV then my back porch light and my dogs are going crazy and i hear something at my back door. The women was very nice. I stayed on the line with her until the officers arrived- I then went out the front door where i noticed my front porch light was flickering wildly -i told her my grandfather just passed and either he is visiting me or maybe my wiring is messed up. she laughed. The officers which were very nice checked all my pole barns and outbuildings and said ma'am there isn't anyone out here but were not sure whats going on with your electricity - they saw my front porch light freaking out too. They said call us again if you need anything we are here all night - I said thank you so much-BTW i was in my Betty bo0p PJ's my friend got me oh yeah little girl PJ's . I'm sure the officers had a wonderful time telling this story! Well, I thanked them and went into the back door then i noticed my back porch light was not out all the way but flickering just like the front porch - it was so faint you could hardly notice it on. I was relieved no one was out there and thought this is it- all the wiring in this old house is shorting out and it's going to burn to the ground. I sat back down on the couch - the officers where still in the driveway WHEN- i heard this horrific siren noise coming from the kitchen -It was SO LOUD! i thought WTF what are the police doing?! I jumped ran into the kitchen and my microwave was making this sound and the lights on it were Flashing and blinking wildly - OMG! i was super duper freaked out and immediately unplugged the microwave. I went back to the living room and sat back down on the couch trying to get my bearings! I then saw the lights of the police cars as they pulled out of my driveway -Just at that moment -As soon as they pulled out of the driveway the whole house went BLACK! OMG! That's it for me! i jumped up grabbed my purse and left! this was at 240 am. I called my husband he had just gotten off work he was on his way home about 40minutes away. I said the house is screwed it will probably be burnt to the ground when you get there because it wasn't killers it must be something else I tried to figure it out how could just some appliances freak out and just my outside lights It was too FREAKY- he gets there about 330 AND everything was normal! Can you believe that! I said look i have witnesses and a police report - i know i didn't imagine it! That is when i really started to think about ghost - yes ghost - I didn't' sleep at all over the weekend - I called my electric company first thing Monday morning - i explained to the receptionist what happened -she said sounds like something out of a horror movie - Yes that's what it felt like too! The line Superintendent called me back and said there was a raccoon which got into the substation at West Salem and done A lot of damage. he said when this happens it does strange thing to the electricity-STRANGE I'd say! so i am relieved to know NO Ghosts, NO killers just a damn raccoon! But i am now going to buy a REAL GUN!!! :)

Friday, January 29, 2010

Vacation Time!

I was watching a show on ABC (the middle) Very funny -reminded me a bit of my life-All the women wanted was a vacation -they were planning to go to French Lick. AWHH French Lick- My last vacation or weekend away was at French Lick-Last August- I thought boy that would be nice to do that again and then I REMEMBERED.... - Let me begin by saying my husband is really a great guy really -I know that when the world ends ( Mayan calendar says December 21st. 2012 )-which happens to be my husbands bday -that's another story -but back to him-. I know that when and if that happens he will take care of us -you know hunt for food - ward off killers trying to steal our last piece of bread -whatever-and he will be there to wipe my woohaaa and change my diaper when I'm old-- me on the other hand will hire someone to take care of him. :) sorry I'm good in crisis but not with bodily fluids and he knows that. So back to French Lick -OK we've established he's not so bad, could be worse- We had gambled at the casino a few yrs. back and ever since then we would get comped rooms-free rooms or $20 rooms -they obviously had us confused with the Rockefeller's or something but we would use them whenever we could -It's a beautiful place and they have shuttles that go to the winery down the road so we would get our room get on a shuttle have all the free drinks wine -port - a little pizza pie and the shuttle would take our tipsy asses back to the hotel for free swimming maybe bowl a little and of course gamble a little and of course Hotel sex. It' s alot of fun. This particular trip I was really looking forward to -and i should know better, if I have high expectations things just don't seem to work out so that was my first mistake. It's not bad to have lower expectations because then I'm pleasantly surprised when things go normal :) OK so we drive to French lick as soon we get there we try to get on the shuttle to go to the winery but the man says we stopped doing that last week. there was a dispute with the winery owner - Crap! so we could drive to it but decide not to and as we are talking to the man we notice buses of alcohol being unloaded at the door i mean crates and crates - so we go in to register and there are tables set up and banners and people everywhere the banners say 129th IDEA convention Democratic Party - Steve of course has to check this out . so they hand us a flyer- says second floor 9:00 p.m Karaoke and all the free alcohol you can drink -I'm sure it said something else but that's what i got from it. So we go to the casino and right away things weren't going well, I mean no winery and no swimming just straight to the casino so Steve blows our $100 right off the bat i have a bad headache and he is pissed -now I'm pissed and we go to the room - I take 2 Ibuprofen and drink a glass a wine and go to sleep - ibuprofen has that effect on me. This was 8:00 . I wake up at 12: am and Steve is not in the room -imagine that! no big surprise- I sure am not going to look for him so I'm like crap, my wine is gone too! I noticed i had left my phone in my jeep and decided I'd go get it -As i head down in the elevator ( we are on the top floor) there is people everywhere they are mostly young Yuppies ,well, Democrates and i mean everywhere - I get down to the main floor and drunks galore! I've never saw so many well dressed drunks in one place it's like the golden globes or movie premiere drunk pretty people everywhere! so i get thru the crowd and out the door OMG! the Veranda is full too! With well dressed drunks holding whiskey bottles and singing OMG! if you have ever been to french lick you know the Veranda is beautiful and very big - they were all over it! So I make my way thru the Damn Drunken Democrats and head to the parking lot to my jeep. Open the door and Oh shit Steve left the lights on and the battery was dead - How redneck is that! everyone else is driving Cadillacs and Lexus and we will have to ask one of them to give our 1994 250000 mile jeep a jump in the morning Crap! So i get my phone and don't want to walk thru the gantlet of drunkin yuppies again so i call my daughter which i knew would be awake because she had a bday party to go to. I tell her I'm walking back to the room but would like to talk to her while I'm walking Thru the crowd she says dads an ass and i say i know. :) so as i am walking up to the stairs LOW and BEHOLD who do i see walking down - It was my husband!! He is not wearing what he had on earlier but he is wearing a xxxL shirt bright yellow with neon green writing that says Vote for McDermott all over it - He looked like big bird threw up on him! Yes BIG BIRD!!OMG! and he happens to be walking with two women HMMMM- he sees me and says OHH there is my wife smiling from ear to ear -he has a bottle of Patron( i think its very expensive alcohol ) in his hand and two coronas one sticking out of each back pocket. In my head i said WHERE THE HELL have you been! and WHAT THE HELL do you have on !!! and WHO THE HELL are they!! but i actually said Hi - he said what are you doing i said getting my phone he said i was going back to the casino but lets go to the room. Ok -so we are heading back to the room -in the lobby the crowd seems to know him. Hey steve they say what's up man! It's like being with a rock star or something -Hey Man where ya going partys just getting started - I'm thinking WTF! and then we get in the elevator- in the elevator with us is a young pretty girl i don't know maybe 25 and her husband they are very well dressed and one is carrying a camcorder and one a tripod. They say Hey steve done for the night ? You did a great Job! I don't know what the hell he said because i was still FREAKING OUT! WTF is all I could think! and OMG! they recorded everything!! Steve is stumbling alot and i can tell he's Not here ya know - so the women says come back tomorrow because there is not only free drinks but all the free food you can eat! Ok we get to the room and I start asking questions -Steve starts talking about how the senator gave him $500 and he was headed to the casino with those girls to gamble. I'm like WHAT?! but i know he can't really explain anything until tomorrow because he don't even know WTF at this time. So i do my best to keep him in the room because he had no idea what he is doing and wants to go to the casino i know if he gets out of the room someone will be going to jail -probably him - so I keep him in the room with you know what Sex -you know i'm not proud of it but I had to do something. :) The next morning he remembers nothing after seeing me outside. He explained that when i fell asleep he went to check out the convention and there was two rooms with bathtubs full of free alcohol so of course he drank as much as he could and he and those two girls which were school teachers were singing karaoke together and doing a great job. I BET- at some point in the night he was in the elevator with a glass of my wine -OHH that's where it went. when a senator stumbled into him and spilled it all over his shirt. Steve said well sir at least you didn't spill it on your $100 suite - the man said son my suit cost alot more than $100 but heres $500 for your shirt. WTF! ok so after that he said he took off his shirt and put on the ugly yellow and neon green one and proceeded to drink and party the rest of the night he had given the $500 to the two women and was just heading back to gamble when i saw him.AHH that explains the trying to get out of the hotel room all not. I mean you gave away $500!!!!!!! WTH! Shit! DAMN! OMG! I said ok i'm not being seen with you in this hotel and you have to find a jump for the jeep I'm not doing it. so , he finds a jump and takes all the luggage to the jeep as i hide in the room. I 'm like OK i guess it's OK to walk out with you now so as we leave our room a couple from across the hall come out of their room. The women says to Steve as if they were best friends -your up bright and early after what you did last night. The man she is with said Honey he probably don't remember a thing . Steve says yeah i do i remember everything as if to reassure them. Then looks at me and says I don't know who the hell they are and what the hell they are talking about. :) Then we go to Dennys - which i can say was the highlight of the trip. So now I have a very big yellow night shirt that says Vote for Mcdermott -still don't know who that is and playing cards that say keep Indiana blue in 2010 .So here's to weekends away and if i ever go to Vegas -maybe not the Hangover but i bet i can do a damn good sequel :):)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Christmas Present

This year I wanted a gun for Christmas , My husband figured after 20years of marriage I may not shoot him. :)So, I'm looking for a rifle something that looks intimidating but- really isn't that dangerous- As I'm looking online i see a lot of pellet rifles and there is one in particular that i really like -it's a break barrel 1000fps whatever that means pellet rifle -very cool looking and would probably scare away a killer or a dog - dogs sometimes attack me while I'm riding my horse-so if i shoot at him with a pellet rifle it won't kill him just scare him.- So - I want this rifle really bad and i don't have to get a foid card( it's a pellet rifle )- i didn't want to have to deal with getting one of those - big brother and all - :) I was ordering online and it said it would not be shipped for two weeks -crap that's after Christmas -so i looked everywhere -Rural king, walmart , no one had the pellet rifle i wanted -just little ones like b b guns. I called a friend who knew of a gun shop close by but NOT AROUND HERE :) so i called- -the man said yes , i carry one in stock and I'll be darn it 's the same exact one I've been looking at online. I said I'll be there tomorrow to check it out. My husband and i go there and of course i try to get the man to lower his price but no luck - And boy is it a beauty of a gun. I said OK I'll take it - I LOVE IT !! the man said -do you have to have a Foid card for one of these? I'm like NO - awh I don't think so it's a pellet rifle for goodness sake -I'm thinking he's the damn owner of the shop why wouldn't he know this. he said Do you have one? I'm like No - he said do you have a drivers license? well, Yes- I give him my license and he copies and i pay my $150.00 -he said that's a really powerful gun and leave with my beautiful gun. Later on that night I'm thinking gee why did he ask me that - I look at the ISP website and low and behold if the gun even a pellet gun is over 750 fps you have to have a Foid card - Shit! so I'm freaking out -i mean freaking out ! I'm a law abiding citizen you know - CRAP - i thinking the cops are going to break down my door for a freaking pellet gun!! So i continue to Freak out for the remainder of the month and part of the next I immediately apply for a FOID card and so far no breaking of doors :) and I'm legal now and have become very good at killing cans:)

Monday, January 25, 2010

motorcycle weather

It was sooo nice yesterday motorcycles were out everywhere. It reminded me of the last day I rode a motorcycle. A day not to abnormal in my life - Lets see-it was the last week in August i believe -That week my transmission went out of my car $1600 and Steve was to pick up his motorcycle $1100 Yikes all in one week! He had a poker run this particular day -If you don't know what that is it's a lot of Harley riders riding from bar to bar getting drunk - REALLY STUPID - i believe it was the day of the fall festival - he had to pick it up early like 7 and i had to take him so he let me sleep until maybe 6:45 YEAH - so I'm like OK how can i get ready to go with you in 15min.s I mean i have to put on the Harley biker girl garb if I'm going can't look like a nerd with a bunch of Harley riders. So i said OK I'll take you noble to get your bike and then come back and get dressed and meet you at the sign in. So i take him to get his bike come back and start getting pretty WHEN - my son calls me from Flora -his car broke down and he needs a ride -OK geez I'll be right there -so i call Steve and say -go ahead and go I'll meet you at a bar i have to pick up Ryan in flora -so i go get Ryan and come back home and guess what the tow truck driver needs Ryan's Key -which Ryan had in his pocket OMG! you are kidding me! So i run him back to flora and by that who the hell knows where Steve is so I'm trying to get pretty again WHEN - Steve called and said Guess where i am? I don't know he says I'm in a truck my Bike is being trailered it broke down not even 1hour into the ride! OMG! so i'm like OK where do i meet you he said meet me in St. Marie -so I finally get dolled up and head out the door - I get a couple miles away from my house WHEN it starts pouring not just pouring but POURING!!!! VERY Bad and my phone rings -HMMM it's my neighbor - he says hey , Your horse is in my yard. CRAP - so i turn around in the storm get my stupid horse who only gets out in storms to mess up my neighbors yard. I walk him back home in what could only be described as a torrential downpour! Of course by this time an hour or so is passed i try and lock him in his stall - I go back in I'm really about to freak out at this time- I have to change my clothes again - at this time i 'm already soaked and stressed and looked like a drowned rat. So who gives a crap what i have on -Not Me! So i finally head out - Steve calls and says where are you? OHH you're kidding where am I? so i meet him at St. Marie - the person trailering his bike said go ahead take the trailer and drop your bike off and meet us at the VFW- the end of the poker run which is 5:00 -that's how much time has passed. so we pick the bike and trailer up and head back to noble to drop off at the shop -when halfway to Noble -THE DAMN TIRE ON THE TRAILER BLOWS!! OMG! what did i do in my life that was so bad! so when we finally get back to the VFW we pay the man for a new tire- I have many drinks -yes many ! and when i go home my stupid horse got out again so i spend the rest of the night ALL NIGHT hunting his dumb ass - and finally get him at 6:00 a.m. - That is the last time i had any thing to do with a motorcycle and i can say I'm not really looking forward to motorcycle weather :)

Friday, January 22, 2010


Thank goodness it's Friday! I've been suffering with ear ache and had a dream last night Robert Downey Jr. Hottie was doing ear surgery on me. He gave me a shot and i had my little gown on and of course i was flirting with him in the surgery room but....THEN woke up late for work - Just got a temporary cap put on my tooth $250.00 and it came out as i was flossing this morning GEEZZZ ! don't have time to fix until Monday. Got orange juice from the store to make me feel better and it tasted like pizza and cheese! It expired January 7th! . My friend felt sorry for me and took it back. That's a pretty boring day -

I'm going to watch my man Bret play football this weekend. I hope it goes better than last. I had to watch it at my daughters because my husband thought he could make the picture come in clearer. Of course it went out altogether. I got it in that evening again but of course he had to mess with right before the golden globes! you know my boyfriend Johnny Depp was going to be on there. So i threw what could be described as a fit in the childcare world. ( head spinning and everything) He felt so bad he went outside after dark and tried to climb the antenna tower. Of course i'm fuming thinking maybe i should check on him but if he falls it's his own fault for messing with it - the little evil cheri was thinking- Then he comes in not so happy and says very loud- I'm to old to fat and to tired to be climbing that huge antenna tower! You wouldn't have even known if I fell! I said yes i would softly - I was listening for you - :)So here's hoping there is no antenna mishap this weekend.


Ok , my sister told me that i needed a camera crew following me around because no one would believe my life! Or i should say the things that happen in my life. Never boring that's for sure. So i've decided i better start documenting in case i lose it one day for real -then people will know why. :)-

So , maybe one day a movie deal or who knows a stephen king novel :) or a tragic comedy - . If anyone wants a good laugh or cry my blog is for you.